Affinage: Techniques, Microbes And Facilities

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Event Start: Oct 22, 2014 - 09:00 AM; Event End: Oct 24, 2014 - 04:00 PM; Westminster West, VT 05346. Explore the craft of cheesemaking and ripening in this three-day workshop. We'll make a Tomme cheese while viewing each step from the perspective of the affineur, then follow the steps for ripening this and other cheeses. This session will include a trip to a local creamery for a tour of the facilities and discussion of affinage in practice. Topics include: Selection and Use of Ripening Cultures; Bio-reactions between Microbes, Enzymes, and Cheese Components; Affinage Techniques for various cheeses, including Bloomy rind, Washed rind, Blue, Alpine, Grana, Caciocavallo/Provolone, and Tomme; Cheese Grading and Quality Control, and Facility Design, Construction. and Maintenance of Cellars, Caves, and Brining/Drying Rooms; Participants are encouraged to bring cheeses for tasting and evaluation.
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1600 Pike Pl, Seattle, WA 98101

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